Monday, October 20th, 2014 at 03:15 AM
Guri World Design City
Viva Vina is excited to announce funding commitments of US $7 billion towards the Nature Culture and Design (NCD) 2016 Guri World Design City (GWDC) development project. Commitments were made at the recent MOU signing involving key international investment groups in Seoul, Korea. Investors spoke about the benefits the project offers including geopolitical, local market, strategic, and future development value.
The next step for the project to move forward is the requirement of the land site to be re-zoned for real estate development. The land site is in an ideal location near Guri City and the greater Seoul metropolitan area. Until now, the area has been zoned for non-development purposes. Due to the positive economic impact the project represents, government officials are in the process of releasing the land site for one of the most extensive and expensive development projects in the world.
The NCD 2016 GWDC development will take advantage of the growing consumer markets of Asia, including China, Russia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India, and others. From Seoul, a business is within a 2-hour flight time of 1 billion people in the Asian market. This new development area will include residential zones, luxury hotels, shopping areas, state-of-the-art convention center, theatres, parks, and several other business and entertainment attractions.
Please contact Viva Vina at with any questions regarding the NCD 2017 GWDC development project.